
New Beginnings

 In the past years, since I got back to the country I have been trying to get my feet back on track again. Sad to say, the weight of the world suddenly fell down in my shoulders for some unknown reasons. I tried my best to be me again but the gloomy atmosphere got the best of me. I read books on self - help, Google some names for inspiration which I thought might alter the mood swings in my head. The "Jack of all trades, master of none" in me says, if one door closes it is not the end but a new beginning. It came to the point of riding the waves of life again for me. Like finding a new niche, bring out the social experiment to give meaning to life experiences. I tried the field where I don't think I could excel. But, I give it a try. Looking back, a relative of ours told me before that I should take the business course. She once told me that employees come and go but employers stay. You know what I did? Just like what I usually do if I want to know some topic of interests